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3 May

Let’s chat with DISNEY star AVA KOLKER

A little while ago, during the continuous journey to discover great people and emerging talents in the fashion and showbusiness industry, Fashion Magazine 24 has set its eyes on Disney teenage star Ava Kolker. After already years of acting and with already many cinema projects accomplished, Ava is determined to rock the fashion industry also. But let’s let her introduce herself to our FM24 public and uncover more of her present and future carreer projects.

1.Fashion Magazine 24: Hello, Ava! We are very glad to get in touch with you, even by distance due to this lockdown coronavirus situation.We would love to get to know you and your work better.

Ava Kolker: Hello, FM24! It is a great thing to have this chance to introduce myself and my activity to a great “fashionistas” public. Especially that now i have started my own fashion line.

2.FM24: When did you discover this passion for fashion? What was your starting point in this field?

Ava: Well, to share a brief presentation of my activity first … I have loved showbusiness since i was a little girl. As soon as i felt that this field is meant for me, i started thinking of becoming an actress. And not too late afterwards in 2014 i had the amazing chance to be cast for a teenagers TV series produced by Michael Jacobs and April Kelly for Disney Channel, Girl Meets World. Right after that more projects arised and now i am continuing my acting with a new role in Sydney To The Max.I am playing Olive on the show.This is a comedy TV series created by Mark Reisman also for Disney Channel.

3.FM24: You are already a full-time Disney actress setting a big name for herself in Hollywood. How old are you Ava?

Ava: I am 13 years old, will turn 14 in December 2020.

4. FM24: A bright future ahead of you. Do you have more surprises for us before we get to the fashion segment?

Ava: Actually i do. I am also a singer and i have already 2 songs released. They are called “Eventually” released in July 2019 and “The Good Ones” in February 2020 on Valentine’s Day. So stay tuned on this chapter too!

5.FM24: Great news, we are thrilled to see young girls like you working hard to reach their goals. Especially in such competitive industries like music and cinema. And now, fashion business … Right?

Ava: Yes…i have recently started my own T-shirt line aswell … You know, after being for a while in this field surrounded all the time by costumes, fashion, make-up,etc. i started to think that i want to bring my contribution to it. So i partenered up with Los Angeles designer Pol Atteu and created my own line of couture T-shirts.

6. FM24: Actress, singer and now fashion designer and young female entrepreneur…

Ava: I am a creative and dynamic young girl. I love to be busy, make use of all my ideas and materialize them as much as possible. With the help of my parents, managers and great people who trust me and my creativity resources.

7.FM24: We can see that your energy is magnetizing the best people around you who will do their best to unleash your infinite potential. Tell us more about your T-shirt line …

Ava: My T-shirt line is called Ava by Pol’ Atteu, it is a luxurious couture collection at reasonable prices. Each piece represents my own vision and it has been designed by me. The line has launched early March with a big fashion show during Los Angeles Fashion Week and is set to hit the stores in USA very soon.

8.FM24: Congratulations on your success! We cannot wait to see your collection in stores nationwide and also worldwide….and, of course, to stay connected to your future collections. We are sure teenagers are thrilled to wear the T-shirts created by their Disney favourite character. And now, our favourite character, too. Fashion Magazine 24 is happy to have you among our talent community and follow your acting, singing and fashion design projects.

Ava: Thank you! I am more than happy that FM24 has given me this opportunity to talk about my career, my dreams and projects. I hope the teenagers like me will love my T-shirt designs and i shall continue to give my best shot not to disappoint any of my fans from now on. I promise that!

Interview by Fashion Magazine 24 www.fashionmagazine24.com Information and pictures provided by Mayhem Entertainment Public Relations

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